7 причин, по которым ваш ребенок плачет, и методы успокоения

ребёнок плачет

Kids cry all the time, and every time they do, mothers and fathers think of many ways to calm them down. But not all children are quiet, and that’s because they haven’t mastered the real techniques.

Crying is a common phenomenon in children, especially in babies, and there are many reasons that can cause a child to cry. Whichever the cause, the solution needs to be tailored to the specific situation.

If you want to find the best soothing techniques in one place to calm a crying child down quickly, then you’ll love this guide!

Read on for our summary of the causes of your kid crying and some soothing techniques.

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Why Does Kid Crying All the Time?

More often than not, kids cry because they cannot speak or express themselves well and have to cry to express their emotional needs. Of course, it can also be due to physical needs and environmental influences.

Kid crying has three main reasons: physical needs, psychological and emotional needs, and pathological conditions. Don’t worry; we will help parents analyze and advise on how to soothe their children. Read on.

Causes and Solutions of Kid Crying (Three Aspects)

Physiological Needs

1. Prolonged hunger
Prolonged hunger may lead to insufficient nutrient intake in the child’s body and may lead to crying and irritability.

At this time, parents just need to feed their child in time, and the child will stop crying. Parents can also give their children light and easily digestible food in moderation, such as rice paste and porridge, which will help their babies’ health.

2. Indigestion
Indigestion may cause children to cry and may be accompanied by abdominal pain and bloating.

Parents can usually massage the child’s abdomen to promote digestion. In serious cases, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s instructions to give the child drugs such as pediatric gastrointestinal tablets and a pediatric spleen-supplementing oral liquid to relieve the symptoms.

3. Poor sleeping environment
Environmental factors are also a common cause of crying in children; for example, they may cry if the baby feels hot or cold. And if your child does not change the nappy in time after defecation, it will be very uncomfortable and cause your baby to cry.

External factors such as wearing too much or too little clothing, noisy indoor environments, and bright lights can also cause your child to cry in bed at night.

sleeping baby


You can turn on the air conditioning or add more clothes for your child so that they do not feel the cold. If the nappy is not changed in time, replace it promptly.

Keep your child in a quiet environment, which is more conducive to sleep.

Mental Emotions


Some babies are stubborn and dependent on their parents and may cry at bedtime.

Or, if the baby is frightened during the day, they may go to sleep at night and wake up from sleep. This can cause mum and dad to become overly stressed, which often affects the child. So to soothe your baby, you must first calm down.

If this happens to your baby, they need to be given enough security. You can increase your interaction with your child during the day through skin-to-skin touching, cuddling, and exchanging conversations. Making your child feel less of a stranger to you will be the best way to protect your baby.

You can also use some parenting toys for interaction purposes. Put your child in a happy mood, and they will be fearless!

During sleep, parents must put the child in a quiet place and wait while the baby’s memory of this particular situation disappears. Do not let electronic devices make noise or be loud; your baby will enjoy a restful sleep.

Pathological States

Suppose there is no hunger or adverse environmental factors after noticing your kid crying. In that case, your baby is likely ill, and you must take your child to the doctor promptly and cooperate with the doctor for active treatment after the examination.

child sick

1. Vitamin D and calcium deficiency

The lack of timely supplementation of vitamin D and calcium after the child’s birth leads to neuromuscular excitement, especially frequent night waking and crying at night.

Parents can give their children calcium-rich foods such as seaweed and shrimp in moderation. In serious cases, they need to follow medical advice to give children oral calcium gluconate solution and other drugs to relieve the symptoms.

2. Respiratory tract infection

Children with nasal congestion, sore throat, and fever usually do not use words to describe their symptoms and can only cry to express them. It may also be accompanied by coughing and vomiting.

Parents should promptly take the child’s temperature and seek medical attention for a clear diagnosis and targeted medication.

3. Diseases of the digestive tract

Pain in the stomach due to a cold or after an unclean diet, severe vomiting, and diarrhoea may also occur. In addition, overeating before bedtime or heavy activity after meals increases the burden on the stomach and intestines, resulting in abdominal pain and flatulence, which may cause the child to cry at night.

Children who cry all night should promptly rule out disease factors. During the day, you can take your baby outdoors for appropriate activities, which will not only strengthen the body’s resistance but also improve sleep at night and slowly change the situation of crying at night.

How to Reduce Your Kid Crying

1. Appropriate soothing

Talk to your baby or cuddle him more often, increasing his trust in you. When your baby cries, you will give him more reassurance.

2. Targeted education

Please encourage your child to express physically or verbally what they do not want to do and how they want to do it so that parents can target their education to their child, and this can be done for children between the ages of 2 and 3.

3、Reduce the fright of the baby

Hug your baby as much as possible during the day. The warmer and more intimate the parent’s embrace, the more stable the baby’s mood will be.

Give your baby a good sleeping environment. If your baby goes to bed early, try not to watch TV in the room and don’t talk too loudly.

Know exactly what your baby likes or dislikes, and don’t force your baby to accept things he doesn’t want, or do it more gently. For example, wrap a large towel around your baby who doesn’t like bathing and put him in the bath, as this will take away his nervousness.

Give your baby a proper diet. Good nutrition not only gives your baby a healthy body and reduces illness, but it also gives your baby good intellectual, social and psychological development.

kids exercising outdoors

4. Take your child outdoors for exercise

If your child has a crying problem, you can also take your child outdoors for some sports exercise. All kinds of play facilities can make your child have fun and forget about crying. Children can play with slides, seesaws, and other child-friendly recreational measures, which can achieve a pleasant effect on the child without causing the child to have problems with accidental injuries.

Take your baby out, not for too long, and always avoid crowded, noisy public places. If your baby shows crying or sleepiness, it is best to go home immediately.

Affectionate company will help your child forget the scares and unpleasantness and enhance the bond between child and parent.
