Learn How To Create Amazing LEGO MOCs With These Tips & Tricks

Learn How To Create Amazing LEGO MOCs With These Tips & Tricks

Welcome to the world of LEGO, where your imagination takes flight. As adults, we can elevate our building skills with LEGO MOCs (My Own Creations). But for beginners, creating something impressive can be daunting.

That’s why building tips and tricks are essential. Join us as we uncover the secrets to crafting extraordinary LEGO MOCs and unleash your creativity.

Getting Started!

Choosing the Right LEGO Pieces for Your MOC

Let’s face it, building with LEGO bricks can be overwhelming, especially when you have a million pieces to choose from. But fear not, my fellow builders! The key to building the perfect MOC is choosing the right pieces.

How to Build a LEGO MOC the RIGHT Way

Choose Building Blocks

To begin, it is essential to understand that not all LEGO bricks are created equal. Some are ideal for structural support, while others are perfect for adding those special finishing touches to your project.

When selecting your bricks, consider the type of structure you want to build. Do you need something sturdy, like a wall or a foundation? Or do you require small parts such as tiles or plates for decorative purposes? Once you have identified the specific brick or piece you need, it is time to delve into that enormous pile of LEGOs until you find precisely what you are looking for.

Understanding the different LEGO colors and their meanings is also crucial. Color plays a significant role in the world of LEGO building. It has been used throughout history as a means of conveying emotion and adding depth and dimensionality to creations.

Choose the Color

When constructing an MOC, it is crucial to carefully consider every element, including the color scheme. Each color carries its own meaning and symbolism. For example, red typically represents passion, while green brings a sense of freshness and peace.

By understanding the significance of each hue, builders can create more impactful creations that go beyond the physical structure itself. So, before starting your next project, take the time to research color theory and its application in LEGO building.

Remember, the right LEGO pieces and a thoughtful color scheme are the building blocks to unlock your creativity and bring your MOCs to life!

Planning Your MOC: Designing With Purpose

Building a LEGO MOC is a creative and rewarding experience, but it’s important to have a plan before you start putting bricks together. Sketching out your design ideas on paper or digitally can help you refine your concept and avoid costly mistakes later on. When sketching your MOC, consider its purpose – what story do you want it to tell?

Is it a building, vehicle, or creature? Answering these questions will help guide your design choices and create a cohesive final product.

Drafting Your Design

Once you have an idea of the purpose of your MOC, begin drafting a rough design. This can be done with pen and paper or digitally using software like Adobe Illustrator or SketchUp.

When drawing out your design, keep in mind the scale of LEGO bricks and the limitations they may pose. Pay attention to proportions and try to use bricks that are easily accessible for future iterations.

Using Software To Plan Your Build

If you’re not confident in your ability to sketch out detailed plans by hand, consider using software like LDD (LEGO Digital Designer) to plan your build. LDD allows users to select individual bricks from a digital library and build virtual models in 3D space.

It may be a shame that the LDD LEGO digital design software has been replaced by BrickLink Studio.

BrickLink Studio is a similar digital design tool that offers many features similar to LDD, allowing users to create and edit LEGO models.

BrickLink Studio also features an updated LEGO part library and better performance, enabling users to design and build their models more easily. So, if you want to use a software like LDD to design LEGO models, BrickLink Studio is a good alternative.

How to get started with LEGO Bricklink Studio 2.0

Building Techniques

Basic Building Techniques: Stacking, SNOT, and Offsetting

If you’re just starting out with LEGO MOC building, then you should familiarize yourself with basic building techniques such as stacking, SNOT (Studs Not On Top), and offsetting. These three techniques are the foundation of every successful LEGO MOC build. Stacking is the most straightforward technique where you simply stack LEGO bricks on top of each other to create your structure.

SNOT involves placing LEGO pieces sideways or upside down to create different textures and shapes. Offset is similar to SNOT but involves creating an uneven surface by shifting the placement of bricks slightly.

Advanced Building Techniques: Hinges, Clips, and Brackets

Once you’ve mastered the basic building techniques, it’s time to move on to more advanced ones such as hinges, clips, and brackets. These techniques allow for greater creativity in your builds by allowing you to create complex shapes and angles that would be difficult or impossible using just stacking or SNOT techniques.

Webfx. (2020, July 15). The Anatomy of a LEGO® Brick. Bricks 4 Kidz.


Hinges are particularly useful for creating movable parts in your MOCs such as doors or flaps. Clips can be used to attach one piece of LEGO to another at odd angles that don’t align with regular studs on top while Brackets can be used to connect two pieces at right angles.

While these advanced building techniques may seem daunting at first glance, they add an entirely new level of depth and dimensionality allowing builders greater creativity when bringing their designs into reality. One thing you’ll notice after working with these advanced techniques though is that they take longer than standard stacking methods but it’s worth it in the end if you want a truly unique build!

The Devil is in the Details: Adding Life to Your MOC

Brick by Brick: Incorporating Small Details into Your MOC

When building your LEGO MOC, it’s important to remember that the smallest details can make the biggest impact. Tiles, plates, and minifigures are all essential components that can bring your creation to life.

By incorporating different textures, colors, and shapes into your design, you can create a dynamic and visually stunning MOC that will leave others in awe. Start with simple additions like tiles or plates to add texture to walls or floors.

Experiment with different colors and patterns for a unique look. Don’t forget about minifigures!

They can add character and scale to your creation. Use them as occupants of buildings or as figures interacting with your MOC in creative ways.

Stickers or Custom Printing: Making Your MOC Stand Out

If you’re looking for an extra level of personalization, stickers or custom printing may be just what you need. These additions allow you to create unique designs and logos that will set your LEGO creation apart from others.

Stickers can be purchased online or created at home using high-quality printer paper and clear tape. Custom printing requires more specialized equipment but offers greater flexibility in design and detail.

When using either option, it’s important to keep things balanced so as not to overwhelm the overall design of your MOC. Use stickers sparingly on key elements like signs or vehicles while custom printing should be used when a more professional look is desired.

Finishing Touches

Adding final touches such as landscaping, lighting, or moving parts

One of the most enjoyable parts of building a LEGO MOC is adding the final details that make it stand out from the rest. Landscaping can add depth and realism to any build.

You can use plants, trees, rocks, and more to create a natural environment that complements your creation. Lighting is also an effective way to enhance your MOC.

Placing LED lights inside your creation or using external spotlights can highlight certain areas and add dramatic effects. Moving parts are another way to make your LEGO MOC come alive.

Incorporating mechanisms such as gears or motors gives your creation an interactive element that is sure to impress others. Be creative and think outside of the box when designing these features.

Displaying your MOC in a creative way

Once you have completed your LEGO MOC masterpiece, it’s time to show it off! Displaying your creation in a creative way can make all the difference in how people perceive it. Consider using different backgrounds or lighting setups when taking photos of your MOC for social media or online forums.

If you plan on displaying your creation at LEGO conventions or shows, consider creating custom plaques with information about your build. You may even want to design a custom display case that highlights specific features of your creation.

Adding finishing touches like landscaping, lighting, and moving parts are essential for making a LEGO MOC stand out from the rest. Displaying it in a creative manner will leave a lasting impression on admirers and showcase all of the hard work put into its construction.

Troubleshooting Tips

Common issues beginners may face when building a LEGO MOC

Let’s face it, building a LEGO MOC can be quite a challenge, especially for beginners. There are so many things that could go wrong, and it’s easy to get discouraged if you’re not prepared.

One of the most common issues is not having enough of the right pieces. Trust me; I know how frustrating it can be when you’re in the middle of building something and realize that you don’t have enough 1×2 plates or tiles to finish your creation.

Another common problem is structural stability. If you don’t build your MOC correctly, it may fall apart easily or need extra support.

How to troubleshoot these issues effectively

Thankfully, there are some tips and tricks that can help you troubleshoot these problems more effectively. First of all, always make sure to have more than enough pieces before starting your build.

It’s better to have extra than not enough! Secondly, if you’re struggling with structural stability, try incorporating more advanced building techniques like using hinges or brackets for added support.

Another helpful tip is to take frequent breaks during the building process; this will help prevent burnout and give you fresh eyes on any potential problems once returning. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or seek inspiration from others online communities or other builders in person!

Sometimes an outside perspective may help solve any issue quickly. Although common mistakes occur throughout the process of LEGO building (especially as a beginner), there are plenty of solutions out there that can make your experience much less challenging.


Building LEGO MOCs can be a fulfilling creative outlet, but it’s important to remember that it’s not always easy. As a beginner, you may feel overwhelmed with the endless possibilities of what you can create, but don’t let that discourage you. By following these tips and tricks for successful LEGO MOC building, you’ll be well on your way to creating amazing creations.

Remember that building with LEGOs is an art form, and like any art form, it takes practice to perfect your skills. Don’t get discouraged if your first MOC isn’t exactly what you had envisioned – keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques until you find what works for you.

One of the most important takeaways from this article is the importance of planning before diving into a build. While it may seem tedious or time-consuming, taking the time to sketch out your ideas or plan digitally will save you hours of frustration in the long run.

Additionally, don’t underestimate the power of small details. Using tiles, plates or even minifigures can elevate your MOC from good to great.

Remember that there’s no one “right” way to build with LEGOs. Everyone has their own unique style and approach – embrace yours!

Follow these tips and tricks for successful LEGO MOC building and above all else have fun. The world needs more creativity in today’s day so go ahead create something amazing!
